Everything is a Remix Pt. 2

Following up on last week's post about Kirby Ferguson's provacative film series "Everything is a Remix", I thought I would share Pt. 2 of the 4 part series. In this video, Kirby explores the remixing associated in the world of film making. This expose' on film "remixing" is really eye-opening. I never knew how much some of my favorite filmmakers pulled from their predecessors. Enjoy.

Everything is a Remix Part 2 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.

An exploration of the remix techniques involved in producing films. Part Two of a four-part series.

An additional supplement to this video can be seen here:

To support this series please visit: http://www.everythingisaremix.info/?page_id=14

Everything is a Remix

Everything is a Remix.   Kirby Ferguson, a New York film maker sets out to prove this in a series of Web videos he has produced.  This interesting documentary takes a look at popular culture from the perspective that we all "borrow" from one another in our artistic endeavors.  He examines music, film and more in this 4 part film project.  Below is part 1 from the project. Although there are some discrepancies in Part 1 that he illuminates later on in his blog, this is quite interesting and a awesome project.  Make sure you follow Kirby at Twitter to find out when his next film is released.

Everything is a Remix from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.

Remixing is a folk art but the techniques involved — collecting material, combining it, transforming it — are the same ones used at any level of creation. You could even say that everything is a remix.
To support this series please visit http://www.everythingisaremix.info/?page_id=14

Thou Shalt Not Steal- Digital Media Consumption Manifesto

This was just forwarded to me.  The Digital Media Consumption Manifesto breaks down some very realistic guidelines for remaining lawful with digital media.  I personally find their pricing guidelines a bit interesting but nevertheless this is an noble effort.  Sign the manifesto if you can commit.

Piracy counts for 25% of the World's Internet Traffic

Imagine if 1/4 of all of the food sold in the grocery store were stolen.  Imagine 1/4 of all of the cars driven on the streets as having been stolen off of a dealership lot.  Impossible!  There is no way our society would allow such arrogant defiance of the law.  Well, a report issued yesterday by Envisional, a firm hired by NBC Universal found that nearly 1/4 of all internet traffic is "digital theft."  Of all of the illegal traffic, BitTorrent accounts for about 50%, Cyberlockers account for a scant 5.1 percent, illegal streaming video sites grab 1.4% and the rest from P2P.

So what does this mean for music?  According to Digital Music News, music accounts for just 3% of the media pirated on BitTorrent while hollywood grabs a solid 35%. Hopefully our friends out west will be able to make some noise to slow this trend better than the music industry has... Otherwise we might just all be doomed.