Continued de-valuing of our intellectual property is going to put this entire industry out of a job... "One big tip jar"...ppplease! give me a break.
Duh! I have been using Ping since I heard about it from Dave Delaney. It is cool, but does not quite accomplish all goals. I would love it if it would check my email and send my netflix movie returns for me as well.
I have officially been pimped!
Yesterday was a really interesting adventure for me. I was (actually) interviewed for my FIRST PODCAST EVER! I know this may seem very mundane as obviously anyone with a blog must already podcast, or at least be involved with the podcasting world in some way, but this is very exciting for me. Up until now, my podcasting experience has been limited to listening. I had mastered the art to subscribing to feeds and listening intently, but had not yet mastered the art of actually talking. I was interviewed by Joe Pisano and Darren Morton of Mustech.net, a music technology and education blog with a bodacious readership! All in all, I must say that I am quite the talker and have officially been dubbed an "expert" in my field by Joe (I must really have him tricked). Most of the conversation revolved around what I have been doing at Naxos in regards to the Naxos Music Library, our online educational streaming database and Naxos Wind Band Classics, the Band Music Imprint I started a few years back. I probably could have talked for an hour on each subject, but Joe kept me on topic and in line. Hopefully, I will get to do more podcasts with these two in the future. All in all, it was a really great experience for me and I hope you enjoy listening!
If you want to give it a listen go HERE
links for 2008-03-25
Another objective take on the social networking thing...
links for 2008-03-15
as an avid runner and regular user of the Nike+ iPod system, this should be an interesting matchup. Personally, I dont think Samsung stands a chance... they and Adidas are about 3 years too late...