Below you will find an informative link to the 2012 Berklee Music Careers in Dollars and Cents report. This is a decent generalization of the amounts of money one can expect working in the business... Being that Berklee is so performance-oriented, I feel that they spend a ton of energy on the performing aspects of the industry and glance over the business side of things. Additionally, they leave out the ancillary music services that are integral to our business... It'd be great to see the PRO's, unions, placement companies, and other tertiary music services included... Without further adieau... (kickass web-app of the week) is a super-cool database of current pop/hip-hop/electronic hits and the samples used within them. The page is incredibly simple although the main page is a bit of a vomit of information... It isnt what I would call a clean interface, but it is a really neat site for the musically curious. This all via the web, or their IOS apps. Not only does it tell you what your favorite pop-star sampled, but it tells you when in the song the sample occurs and also include a youtube link to the music that was sampled... It is pretty freakin sweet.
Aside from the geekery of this, it also could drive sales of both the original tune sampled and the newer sample-filled work via the pass-thru links to itunes and Amazon... really the simplicity of it is pretty attractive to me and like I said, other music geeks will agree that this is a fun toy err.... I mean tool. Additionally, it won the EMI innovation Challenge this week... so apparently, I'm not the only person who thinks it is cool.
"I'm a Music Industry CEO. And This Is Why I Tossed Your Resume Into the Trash..."
The Following is from I am simul-posting it here for two reasons... 1. It's a NASHVILLE music distribution position... and 2. His pet peeves with resumes are the same as my pet peeves with resumes. If you're going for the gig folks... know what the gig is and do your research!
"I'm a Music Industry CEO. And This Is Why I Tossed Your Resume Into the Trash...
A2IM Nashville Licensing Day
The first ever A2IM (American Association of Independent Music) licensing day happened here in Twang-town last Tuesday, September 11 at 3rd and Lindsley. By all accounts the event was a great success and a fantastic first step to bringing the Nashville creative licensing community closer. Attendees came from as far as Indiana and Georgia representing the lion's share of the fantastic Indy Labels and publishers in the Nashville/mid-south area. Panels were split into two topics: Film and TV Licensing and Advertising and Branding. Both panels were chock full of great talent from the local and surrounding communities. Below are a breakdown of panels/panelists as well as a few pics from the event. We will be re-establishing the quarterly "Syncs and Drinks" licensing happy hours with the help of A2IM. Local creatives, look for your invites in your inbox coming soon!!!
Special shout-out to our sponsors Synchtank and Naxos <ahem>
Film/TV Panel:
Moderator: Stacy Widelitz
- Melissa Lynn Love, Songfinder - twitter
- David Hirshland, BMG Chrysalis
- Gill Holland, sonaBLAST! records/producer on over 70 films & documentaries
- Carter Little, music supervisortwitter
Branding and Advertising Licensing Panel:
Moderator: Jim Scherer, Whizbang
- Aaron Mercer- music supervisor
- Larry Stessel- The Revolver Marketing Group
- Wayne Milligan, Big Machine
- Kathy Olen, President, Atticus Brand Partners