links for 2008-02-29

Extra! Extra! Naxos / Nashville Symphony Orchestra take home three Grammys!

I just saw the news and just had to share. Naxos (my company in case you didn't know) and the NSO slaughtered the field taking home three Grammys. Joan Tower's "Made in America" won Best Classical Album, Best Orchestral Performance, and Best Classical Contemporary Composition!

This is awesome news and the recording and composition really are fantastic. In case you haven't heard it, you can go get yourself a copy at Naxos Direct .

Yahoo Quitting the Music Biz?

Ok, So I awoke this morning to a new twist in the Yahoo! saga. As USA Today announced, Yahoo has just announce that they are selling their music subscription service, Rhapsody to a new company called Rhapsody America, a partnership between Real Networks and MTV. So what is really going on here...?

I am keen to think that Yahoo may be positioning themselves to enter the retail game even though all signs point to the mass phasing out of their music products... I have hope for Yahoo!. I have been listening to Yahoo! Music for way too many years just to give up on them because of a number of corporate rumors.

I guess, this like so many other cases with the music biz will have to stand the test of time.

Week End Review... or Holy Crap!

OK, so now that I am doing this whole blog thing again, I thought I might cap out the first week with a short review...

These are my week's headlines:
* I started blogging again... for better of for worse... be happy
*I am now officially running the Country Music Marathon. well... the half marathon... but hey, it's still 13 miles. I started training for it last weekend with my first 4.25 mile run (ever!). I only walked a bit... and am pretty happy about the possibility of gettin my run on.
*Just realized that in two weeks I am going to be in Costa Rica! I will have many pics and outlandish stories upon my return...
*The Superbowl is this Sunday... (does anybody really care?)... I am watching for the commercials.
*and on the music front... $$ Yahoo *may* be coming out with a new digital music service... AFTER they are done being bought by microsoft!
$$ Amazon continues to expand their digital offerings by buying Audible for a measily $300 million
$$ In addition to the audible acquisition, keep an eye out on Sunday for the Amazon - Pepsi promotion... Hey, it worked for Itunes and Coke... Why not?

Well that is it for now... More next week!