So today I am sitting at the Leadership Music Digital Summit networking with a few new media/developer dudes and upon our obligatory card exchange was taken quite aback. As I asked the gentleman for his card he simply replied "text my name to 50500 and you will have my info." To me, this sounded like "these aren't the droids you're looking for." What Jedi mind trick had I just stumbled upon...?
This fantastic service actually allows you to create your own "business card" that can be texted to contacts via SMS. I went on immediately and created my own. In case you were wondering... text "randallfoster" to 50500.
All in all, I must say the site was quite easy to use. I am a fan of web simplicity and this is definitely a simple interface. It appears that there is more development to come that will help you keep the contacts you have collected and I look forward to seeing those changes. For now though, the site is FREE, simple and it works well. Plus, you'll never have to worry about leaving your cards at home again.
Check out this review on Mashable... or if you are a tweeter, you can follow them at