Goodbye Internet Radio

Well, what was once a strong contender in the terrestrial radio race is going the way of the dinosaur. Internet radio is going to be extinct... No thanks to the latest rulings of the Copyright Royalty Board. The CRB has just issued a ruling throwing out the appeals of Clearchannel, NPR, and a few other heavey hitters. Not that I really care about Clearchannel, but this isnt just going to affect them. This is going to take down most of our beloved, small internet radio stations.

Starting a month from now, internet radio stations will be expected to pay Millions in retroactive royalties for the musics streamed. This will end up alienating the little guys and closing all of their virtual doors.

Pandora, Last FM, Radio Paradise.... you will all be missed dearly.

The RIAA are just a bunch of Gangsters

So, what's with the RIAA? I realize that in it's inception, the RIAA had been meant to serve a larger purpose. To protect the interests of the Recording Industry and serve as our lobby, but give me a break. Their latest scare tactic involves soliciting the help of Colleges and Universities in helping track down dubious infringers within the campus internet systems.

This has proved mostly ineffective as at least three schools have already refused to participate (for obvious reasons). University of Wisconsin, Nebraska and Maine have now pushed back on the RIAA's requests and I figure more are sure to turn up soon.

Thr RIAA is simply going to have to find a better way to combat illegal file-sharing. With file-sharing at an all time high, the present methods are obviously not working. Perhaps they should put as much energy into going after the enablers as they are going after the end users. (This is kind-of like going after drug addicts instead of the dealers) ... I mean, come-on!

So I say, good for the schools. Time for a new approach for the RIAA.

Just the Good Ol' Boys...

Take it to the man!

So here is an unusual take on standing up to the proverbial “man.” 

Apparently,  these folks hope to “match and exceed the reach of big media, corporate media, labels, and the entrenched interests. On March 22nd, we they are going to take an indie podsafe music artist to number one on the iTunes singles charts as a demonstration of our their reach to Main Street and our purchasing power to Wall Street.” This should prove interesting. 

I will wait with baited breath.   In all honesty, this isn’t the first time someone has tried to do this and succeeded.  For valid proof, simply take a look at American Idol and the Sanjaya debaucle.  This delightfully pleasant and talentless rogue is still in the race thanks to our favorite shock-jock, Howard Stern. Learn more about it here… 

In any event, if you feel like turning over the balance of power, jump onto itunes and grab yourself a copy of "Mine Again" by the band Black Lab. ÂÂ