Continued de-valuing of our intellectual property is going to put this entire industry out of a job... "One big tip jar"...ppplease! give me a break.
Duh! I have been using Ping since I heard about it from Dave Delaney. It is cool, but does not quite accomplish all goals. I would love it if it would check my email and send my netflix movie returns for me as well.
links for 2008-03-25
Another objective take on the social networking thing...
links for 2008-03-12
Wow! here is a new take on recording expenses and off-setting them... I have to commend her tenacity.
links for 2008-03-11
...and the next failing business venture emerges... I dont understand why everyone wants to "kill" the ipod... until there is a comparable product with the user-friendliness of the ipod... this will remain a pipedream
File this under "holy Crap" and It's about time!
Super cool... wish I could find a use for them...