Great information!
links for 2008-05-10
Activism... how far do YOU want to take it...
So as I was discussing an upcoming Ron Paul (I am NOT a supporter) march on Washington, my memory was jogged of another interesting march I have been hearing murmurs of in the music community. This August, as If our nation's capitol didnt have enough else going on, there will be a Million DJ March on Washington. As a former turntablist, and consummate fan of DJ's, DJ music, and the culture in general... this kind of sets off some mixed emotions floating around in my head. First of all... as we all know, Million Whatever Marches rarely accomplish anything other than press coverage by TV news crews that would rather report on the event than real news and raising public awareness of a cause. What ever came about from the Million Man March? Anything? Well, other than great press for the movement, there was an influx of Black Male voter registration following the march. This may be the gleaming success story in the long litany of groups who have marched on Washington since the civil rights marches of the 60s (these actually worked!). The primary objective in most cases is to bring awareness to a cause though. The thing that bewilders me about the Million DJ march is WHAT CAUSE ARE THEY MARCHING FOR? Respect? My problem with this is where do you draw the line? When does it stop. Should the club owners that own danceclubs that promote music march on Washington?
My issue is, I have DJ'd for 15 years. Both Professionally and as an amateur.
The following lines are taken verbatim from the march website.
"Labels and major businesses who reap the rewards of default publicity, need to pay more attention and give more recognition to DJ's for the promotion they provide."
This whole event seems to be an excessive abuse of taxpayer's dollars. I certainly don't want to foot the bill for crowd control and police presence simply to convince major business to say "Thank You for all that you do to a bunch of DJs."
My Solution: In an effort to settle the debate on this and avoid the inordinate expense of such a rally, I am willing to help the cause by making the following statement on behalf of the recording industry (I am NOT in any authority to make this statement!)... hopefully hey will now call off this silly march. Thank you DJ's!. I am one of you, but I also work for a Major Independent Label (albeit Classical). I (we) certainly appreciate all that you do to help promote and support the music industry. I also appreciate the fact that (like me) you chose your career not because of major financial or social aspirations, but because you LOVE MUSIC and want to spread that love to all that are willing to listen. We love you for all that you are and all that you want to be (Jerry McGuire line). You truly are the Sunshine of our lives! Thank You again! Now Hug it out bitch!
links for 2008-05-09
Everyone is jumping on the Twitter bandwagon now... I absolutely agree with this article though...